Saturday, April 01, 2006


hey all

u might be wonderin wat that headin is doin on this post.. well to tell u the truth i dont kno myself .. heck i love the word for some reason and its been stuck in my head over the past few days mayb this way itll get out :D ..

over the past few days ive found myself questioning the reasoning behind religion and all those crazy things we do to invoke god's blessings.. i dont kno bout u.. but i think its a huge waste of time.. i mean u'd think there was enough cattle up in heaven without us slaughtering them as offerings .. i mean wats the big deal .. or mayb stopping just short of killing urself stickin hooks in ur skin as if it it was bell pins into ur palm ( have any of u ever done that.?? its awesome.. the pins bit btw :P) .. or waiting in line to recieve a bit of holy water thats just prob benn colected from the tap.. yes.. its stupidity.. this aint directed at any specific religion dont get me wrong.. if all religions preach teh same thing why do the customs need to really exist is all i ask.. u want to talk with god,,, do so when u want to.. u dont need special time or a special place ....all u need to shut urself and tell that supernatural power wat u want to..

basically ive lost faith in all religion.. this doesnt mean im an atheist far from it.. i just believe that there's a god and not much more.. religion is just a means of expressing praise to that god.. pretty philosophical wouldnt u say?? well thats me all of a sudden

anyway thats a gist of all ive been thinking over the past few days... now still goin for class eatin 8 hours of my supposed free time everytime.. outta the other 16 8 goes in sleep and another hour in eating ( yes i do a lot of that ) .. now 7 hours isnt much .. 3 hours at least go in lazing around.. another hour or so in doing odd jobs and running errand for me mum and granma.. so 3 hours left.. out of which one hour is spent reading.. so 2 hours is all i can study.. hehe suits me just just fine :)..

hmmm pmpd exam today hope theyve done ok.. anyway i must go now.. i shall catch ya'll later..
see ya ppl..
till next time ...
epithataepithat .. thats all folks :D

im still me
may the force be with u